Gyermekeimnek és unokáimnak készült a Qulit .
Szabó Lőrinc  Ima a gyermekekért című versét nyomtam,rá és szabad gépi tűzéssel készült

Qulit wanted to become my children and my grandchildren.

Trees, stars, animals and stones
love my children.
If they were far from me, azalatt
I entrusted their fate to you till now.
You were good to me only always,
love them if I die.
Winter, spring, summer, autumn, rivers, groves,
love my children.
You, sandy, stony, asphalt road,
guide the girl, the boy sensibly.
Kiss it instead of me, wind, their face,
grass, stone, be a pillow under their head.
Offer them fruit, apple tree,
teach them starry night.
 Teach it, keep it warm,
smuggle your secret gold into their pocket.
And you all, living and dead substances,
teach, clouds, eagles,
Wild lightnings, good ants, little snails,
look after them, huge world.
The man evil, in him do not trust,
But fire, water, sky, and land my true relative.
True relative, I turn to you,
fire, I will be water, sky and land if I die;
Fire, water, sky and land and on all of them gods:
love who I love.


Lonci üzenete…
Nagyon szép a tűzésed, most is megcsodáltam:)
Aranyalma üzenete…
Fantasztikusan tűzöl! :)
Neyde Arte Artesanato üzenete…
OLA! Uma semana Santa para você e familia, beijos
Ledorka üzenete…
Le vagyok nyűgözve. :)))
Kathy üzenete…
First, at the top of your blog I noticed the lovely leaves rolled into roses. How very beautiful. Next I am here to read about your quilt. Well Done!
Sand and Sunshine üzenete…
So beautiful! I also love the leaves in your blog header.
Juana Castañeda üzenete…
Una idea estupenda.
Un beso.
Miri üzenete…
Beautiful, beautiful quilting!!
Heidi üzenete…
Yes very beautiful quilting as is the prayer for you children and grandchildren
Greetings from Germany
Carol üzenete…
Beautiful quilting and prayer.
Sandra üzenete…
What an unusual creative quilt. Thanks for sharing it.
Come see my 1890 antique schoolhouse quilt and
black/white/pink scrappy miniature
Eileen üzenete…
a wonderful little quilt that's so interesting. thanks for sharing and have a great day

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